Ashkeph Court Martial

To: VADM Ashkeph
CC: @38th.Command; @38th.JAG;
From: ADM Jovani
Subj: Notification of Criminal Charges

Vice Admiral Minari Ashkeph,

You are accused of multiple actions which have jeopardized your standing as a member of Starfleet. The charges against you are as follow:

  • Desertion
    On or about Stardate 93510 you abandoned your post as Commander, Starfleet 38th Fleet, with intent to remain away therefrom permanently.

  • Failure to Obey Order or Regulation: General Order 1
    On or about Stardate 93510 you knowingly and intentionally interfered with and disrupted the normal development and internal affairs of Echomet Prime by transporting over six million universal translator interfaces (Electrokinetic Interface Mk. V, Rev. 2) to the world’s irreo districts. This action was taken after the suggestion of such a delivery was rejected by not only Starfleet Command and the Federation Diplomatic Corps, but also Echomet’s own sovereign government.

  • Failure to Obey Order or Regulation: General Order 13
    On or about Stardate 93510 you knowingly and intentionally violated the territorial integrity of the Echomet World Union by transporting a large quantity of cargo to the surface of Echomet Prime.

  • False Official Statements
    On or about Stardate 93562.8 you issued orders to Chief Engineer, Deep Space 13, to arrange the manufacture of a vast quantity of universal translator interfaces at the request of the Waydis, when no such request had been made by the Waydis.

  • False Official Statements
    On or about Stardate 93564.6 you issued false orders to Executive Officer, Starfleet 38th Fleet, and Commander, Deep Space 13, to arrange the transport of eleven Echometa asylum-seekers to Echomet Prime on the basis of a nonexistent agreement between the Echomet World Union and the Federation Diplomatic Corps.

  • False Official Statements
    On or about Stardate 93576.5 you issued orders to Commander, USS Vanguard, to take aboard cargo, which falsely indicated that the cargo was bound for the Waydis System.

  • Theft of Federation Property
    On or about Stardate 93510 you removed a Type-8 Shuttlecraft (NCC-93701/4) from USS Vanguard without authorization or flight plan, and subsequently abandoned it outside of Federation territory.

  • Sabotage of a Federation Starship (x3)
    On or about Stardate 93510 you deliberately compromised and disrupted the operational capability of Starships Axiom, San Jacinto, and Vanguard, by placing mission critical systems into simulation mode without informing the vessels’ commanders or crew, and by deleting or causing the deletion of ship’s log entries.

  • Conduct Unbecoming an Officer
    On and prior to Stardate 93510 you engaged in conduct which disgraced you personally, the fleet under your command, Starfleet as an organization, and the United Federation of Planets. Your actions were detrimental to your fitness to command subordinates and deleterious to your unit’s ability to carry out its mandate.

Due to the severity of these charges and associated consequences, no nonjudicial disciplinary actions are offered to you at this time. A general court martial will be convened to rule on the charges, and a plea of not guilty has automatically been entered on your behalf. You will remain confined for the duration of the proceedings.

Admiral Jovani
Judge Advocate General
Starfleet Headquarters, Earth

To: CAPT Aloran @Aev
CC: CMDR Harris @Mudd
From: ADM Jovani
Subj: Judicial Assignment

Captain Aloran,

You have been selected to serve as judge for the general court martial of Vice Admiral Ashkeph. As Starfleet Command is the convening authority, the task of assembling the court is delegated to you.

Commander Oswald Harris has been assigned as prosecutor and will be traveling from Sol.

Admiral Jovani
Judge Advocate General
Starfleet Headquarters, Earth

To: VADM Ashkeph
From: LT Stray

Subj: Legal Representation

Admiral Ashkeph,

I’ve been assigned as your representative for this court martial and all pertaining matters. You have the right to refuse to answer any questions or to discuss your case without counsel present. You also have the right to request a different Judge Advocate or other qualified Starfleet Officer as your representative, or to retain independent counsel.

I will arrange an appointment to speak with you in person at the earliest opportunity.

Lieutenant Merrick Stray
38th Fleet Judge Advocate

To: LT Stray
CC: CMDR Harris
From: CAPT Aloran
Subj: RE: Motion for Modification of Confinement

Lieutenant Stray,

Your motion for modification of confinement is granted, with the following conditions:

  • Visitation is restricted to authorized personnel. As of this message, authorized personnel are defensive counsel and medical staff. Any other visitors will need to be cleared through my office.
  • Vice Admiral Ashkeph is not permitted to leave quarters.
  • The replicator in the Vice Admiral’s quarters will be placed in a restricted operating mode.

Captain Esca Aloran
38th Fleet Judge Advocate

To: LT Stray
CC: CMDR Harris
From: CAPT Aloran
Subj: RE: Motion to Exclude

Lieutenant Stray,

Your motion to exclude is granted.

While an argument could be made that Vice Admiral Ashkeph’s confession is admissible, I find there to be too many unknowns around allowing such a confession to stand. My reasoning is outlined below.

  1. It is unclear if the Vice Admiral was detained or formally arrested during her debrief aboard station. The reports make mention to both. If this status is unclear to me now, it is reasonable to state that it was unclear to the Vice Admiral in the moment.
  2. No formal confession is on file. All references to such a confession are based on verbal or written accounts of the debrief. Such evidence does not meet the burden of proof required in this instance.
  3. Vice Admiral Ashkeph’s operation remains classified at the restricted level. Until such a time as that changes, referencing the operation in an open setting is itself a criminal offense.

As a direct result of item three above, I am declaring the entire matter sealed. Neither Commander Harris, Lieutenant Stray, or any of your appointed assistants and witnesses are allowed to reference this operation.

Captain Esca Aloran
38th Fleet Judge Advocate

To: LT Stray
CC: CMDR Harris
From: CAPT Aloran
Subj: RE: Motion to Dismiss

Lieutenant Stray,

Your motion to dismiss is denied. Vice Admiral Amiri did not have the authority to issue a non-judicial punishment to Vice Admiral Ashkeph. Further, NJP’s are reserved for minor offenses.

Captain Esca Aloran
38th Fleet Judge Advocate